Saturday, January 15, 2011

Back from a throwing vacation

I'm back.  I took a throwing vacation for about a month and was supposed to start back on Monday, but it was snowing and in the 20's and 30's all week.  Today when it reached 40 degrees at 11:30 I decided that it was time to brave the cold.  With the space heater on high and hot water in my bucket, I started on the wholesale order that is due by March.  It will probably only take a few weeks, but I wanted to get it finished so that I can start experimenting.  In February I will be going to the Claymatters Guild Winter Workshop featuring Sandi Pierantozzi & Neil Patterson.  I am very excited to see their work and hope that it will help me do more altering in my pieces.

Tonight is Carolina Claymatters Holiday party.  I will be going early to help set up.  It's always a great time visiting with other potters and the food is great(potters seem to be such great cooks).  We do a gift exchange and it's great coming home with another potter's work.  The guild also gives out door prizes.  In the past I have gotten ribs, hole punches, misc tools and books. 


Linda Starr said...

A party after the holidays, that's a great idea, Good luck with your wholesale order. I love workshops they are a gift that keeps on giving; I find myself applying stuff I learned a long time ago, the ideas just pop out of my head years later it seems.

judith blakeburn-potter said...

Nice rack of pots! I also use the space heater at my feed and a bucket of hot water. For some reason when my feet and hands are warm, I don't realize it's cold.