Sunday, March 6, 2011

NC Potters Conference 2011

This weekend I attended the NC Potters Conference.  The topic was about Porcelain from Jingdezhen, China.  Each potter has a specialty (throwing, trimming, decorating, etc.)  The average pieces are very large.  I will have to try a few of the shapes seen this week, perhaps even making a large vase.

I went down to the conference with 3 others from my guild.  One of our group was able to design a pot for the thrower to make (left).  We all helped come up with the design and Verna was able to have the piece afterwards.  He threw about 6 pots that were designed and did an amazing job of quickly making the designs to scale.

The underglazer was amazing and painted beautifully.  The plate (right) was one of his pieces.  I came home with the yellow vase.

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